
Real Experts Make
Better Instructors

No college students here. Only working professionals ready to share their expertise and provide Skill Based Learning instruction.

For School Leaders

Running quality programs shouldn’t give you headaches:

No more scrambling to find staff.
No more wrestling with paperwork.
Just exceptional programs that work.

For Students

Stop gambling on
student tutors:

Your child deserves more than a tutor with good grades. We offer real-world insights and professional guidance that no textbook can provide.

The education industry
has a dirty secret

We are here for students, whatever challenges they face.
Schools are stretched thin, and parents are frustrated. But quality education has no shortcuts—it needs real subject matter experts.
Children deserve true professionals!
We handle:

    Get Inspired by the Concorde Education Experience

    What sets our experts apart

    Bachelor's degree


    Rigorous hiring process
    with live interviews

    Full compliance with
    state and city

    Complete background

    Programs in Action

    Testimonials from our clients

    Concorde Education is a turnkey, STEAM based company that provides a variety of services in person, hybrid, or remotely. Concorde Education’s services range from Afterschool ProgrammingEsports coaching1 on 1 tutoring and much more. We at Concorde Education believe that whatever your needs are, wherever you may be, we will be there to help.
    Founded right before the global pandemic, Concorde Education has been able to grow due to it’s dedicated, agile, and standard based education practices. Concorde Education courses range from Esports, Coding, and Game Development to Digital Music, Drone part 107 piloting and licensing, to Anime and Dungeons and Dragons. Concorde Education prides itself on interesting and engaging courses that always are looking to build career ready students for the future. All of our courses and instruction are designed with both career readiness and digital artifacts in mind. At Concorde Education, students take what they have learned with them, wherever they may go.
    Concorde Education offers a litany of programs written, coaching, and taught by some of the greatest teacher’s nationwide and beyond. They are designed with both state and UN standard compliance and an emphasis on student engagement with new pathways to learning. Additionally, the curriculum for these courses are STEAM based. This ensures that whether a student is learning about Coding, Digital Music, Esports, Dungeons and Dragons, coaching, and so much more, they are on a successful learning path with measurable success and transferable learning skills.
    Concorde Education’s game division knows that Esports is a billion-dollar industry, with millions upon millions of people worldwide participating and viewing daily. Concorde Games strives to be the premier hub for anyone with an interest to learn and improve at their Esport of choice. Built for schools and students, our program connects our clients with some of the top Esports players and coaches in the world. We also offer information on obtaining scholarships and fundamental skills that will serve our students far beyond the virtual playscapes of Rocket League, Apex Legends, Pokémon, Super Smash Brothers, Overwatch and much more.
    Concorde Tutoring strives to bring out the very academic best out of their students, no matter the subject or wherever they may be. Offering optimal one on one support, our program connects students with some of the finest teachers from across the world, who are not only experts in their fields, but in teaching the subject matter in accessible and understandable ways. Our tutors hold degrees in their content area and are also available to help with specific test prep needs, including the ACT and SAT exams. Every tutoring journey will start with a free thirty-minute consultation with our team to ensure we have a firm grasp on your educational needs and journey.
    Concorde Education prides itself the quality of its instruction and instructors. Whether you are tutoring, coaching Esports, or leading afterschool instruction, all employees are subject to strict credential and background verification checks in order to help spread our message of learning and engagement. We at Concorde Education pride ourselves on education, engagement, and meeting the needs of our schools, educators, and students with efficacy, effectiveness, and fun. We look forward to serving you.
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